OmniVision 360 is a full development for capture in digital video in a 360 view, manufactured by Los Luque - Berra - Baglietto.


Please take a look some jobs done with the system:

La Rural hacia el futuro -Pictures & Quicktime movie-

Voleybol 2002 World Cup -Pictures-

Sub-20 Soccer World Cup -Pictures-

Temaiken "El Arca de la vida" -Cine 360-

Portable Presentations -Floor Plan & Views-

Boca Juniors Museum -Quicktime movie-

Making of the aerials 360 -Pictures & Quicktime movie-

Soccer 360 -under development-


The Gate | Zoo 3D | Omnivision 360 | Sistemas Interactivos

Aliens in the Volcano | Ride Films | Marlboro 3D Experience

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